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Parenting While Working from Home encourages parents to make intentional changes that will result in happier families and thriving careers.
"The authors successfully make the case that parenting while working from home, rather than being merely possible, can be a positive experience. Parents will finish the book feeling inspired and empowered." —Publishers Weekly
"Whether working from home while parenting as a temporary solution or a more long-term plan, readers will get advice for finding a rhythm, maintaining positivity, and balancing everything, while still having fun." —Booklist
“This timely book will help you navigate the chaos of working from home with kids successfully. Practical tips and activities help you connect with your family, improve your personal care, and boost your work—all with a positive outlook!” —Elizabeth Pantley, author of The No-Cry Solution parenting series
“Parenting While Working from Home is laid out like no book I have seen before. Every other book floods you with ideas and options, but this book gives you something simple to work on and tackle each month. It's a breath of fresh air for a working mom. I don't need more things to do, I need guidance on how to live a happier life, be a better parent, and build my business . . . and this book is the perfect field guide.” —Dana Malstaff, CEO of Boss Mom LLC
“Shari and Karissa provide tangible ways to set goals with your family, engage in epic activities and experiences, enhance the relationship with your kids, and ultimately manage the tension of the new normal while working from home.” —Justin Batt, author and founder of Daddy Saturday