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Abi Ansel is not the most confident woman in the world; in fact, she might be the least. She’s a perpetually anxious, constantly awkward woman with nervousness in her blood. She is unlucky in love, and everything else, but she’s trying her best to change that.
Praise for David Jester
“The Clinic is one of the goriest and most ruthless books I’ve ever read. A blood-spattered, hurtling assault across a landscape of nonstop chaos and anarchy. Destined to have readers squirming in their seats. Terrifying from beginning to end. If you like well-written bloodshed, then this one is for you.” —Willow Rose, international bestselling author of the Emma Frost series
“A novel that is most definitely not for the faint of heart when it comes to gore.” —Dread Central on This Is How You Die
“Jester has pulled off a rare thing here. He’s crafted a fantasy tale drenched in biting satire, fun, darkness, but also gives us a nice touch of the feels.” —Mike McCrary author of Genuinely Dangerous and Remo Went Rogue on Forever After