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Dutch at the North Pole, and the Dutch in Maine. a Paper Read Before the New York Historical Society, 3rd March 1857. (Proofs Considered of the Early Settlement of Acadie by the Dutch, Being

Yazar : John Watts De Peyster
Yayınevleri: British Library, Historical Print Editions
Kitap Formatı: Ciltsiz/İnce Kapak

Yurtdışı Fiyatı
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750.4 TL

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Kitaplar ekstra gümrük ve kargo masrafı olmaksızın ortalama 28 gün içerisinde yurt dışından sizin için temin edilip adresinize teslim edilmektedir.

Kitap Adı Dutch at the North Pole, and the Dutch in Maine. a Paper Read Before the New York Historical Society, 3rd March 1857. (Proofs Considered of the Early Settlement of Acadie by the Dutch, Being
Yazar John Watts De Peyster
Yayınevleri British Library, Historical Print Editions
Barkod 9781241550431
Ürün Formu Ciltsiz/İnce Kapak
Yükseklik189 mm
Genişlik246 mm
Kalınlık6 mm
Birim ağırlığı227 gr

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